Thursday, December 17, 2015

Final part 1

Class/Self Evaluation

A) There were many things I liked from the class, the permitted using of a computer is one of them. Also the teaching of the creations of post and word documents. The proper use of a computer and keyboard, typing without looking at your fingers actually make using a computer more easier. Actually thanks to the learning of typing without using your eyes one can just write whole documents in no time. Something I didn't like about the class is the time given to create or finish a post, why do I say it? because many of my post I couldn't even finish or add more than I wanted. Another thing that I liked from the class where the words of wisdom from every different people. 

B) As I mentioned before is the time that I would like to be extended because of the reasons mentioned above. That's my only suggestion to the class. 

-I don't really think I did my best in the class because there is many things I could not finish or done during the semester. I still have problems with the typing, not because I keep looking at my fingers (I don't even look at my fingers at all while typing), its because I make lots of mistakes during typing like choosing the wrong letters. Also I didn't even sometimes wrote well the post and making lots of grammar mistakes. 

- I cannot be the whole time a CTR person but at least I can try. Because of many other problems, but if I force my self to do something and keep on doing well probably I will. Of course none is perfect but we can try. 

Friday, December 11, 2015

IDP Showcase Summary

IDP Showcase

It all started in English class when they told us about the IDP project. They assign us groups to work. The IDP suppose to be a presentation where we have to present to professional about the assign disease. For mine group it was type 2 diabetes, A disease that has several consequences if you are not CTR with your body. If you don't take care of your body, from what you eat or do, because once you have this disease there's no turning back, no cure!. As none of us in my group had the Microsoft tools in our computers at home so we decide to create a prezi. It's kind of power point that you can use online to share and also edit. we divided the questions of our IDP to 4 people in our group, I suppose to only do 1 question and a graph. Once our project was done we practice and assign which part of the prezi to anyone. While on my side I decided to rent a tuxedo for the presentation because we suppose to look fancy and professional. So the day had come. December 10 the day of the presentation. I were not afraid or anything I was just exited, but I was about to come late to the showcase night, when I was actually there it didn't even started so that means that I came in time. The presentation was already set and everybody prepared so we said and do what we had to do, and well it wasn't really a problem. I even felt that I said more than I was about to. 

Student Success Statemen

"Always do the right"-Mark Twain

There is nothing better than choosing the right. Even if things seem to be going wrong way or down hill. Its basically the decisions you made, if you choose the right there is no way to receive any repercussion at all. If in any case you receive any repercussion will probably be by being a CTW person before. The right is the best tool that a human with common sense will always have. One example is being obedient. When you are obedient (when you follow the rules) you will probably feel one of the best pleasures of all, the pleasure of helping others and stand by the rules. Many people think that being obedient is being a society slave; it might be a certain true but. When you follow the rules exactly you receive benefits. It's because many people have the wrong idea of liberty and freedom, thinking that freedom is have the possibility of become a criminal; that's not the way. The right will always be the best thing to do and always play by the rule. 

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Student Success Statement

"If we do what's right, we have no need to fear"-Evan Stephens.

Once I remember that someone told me one of the most wise quotes, that is almost similar to this one above."You get what you give". They are pretty much the same, it represents the stupidness of human being. Life is like a boomerang because if you have done something good you may not be terrorized of the fruit of it. First of all we have to trust our own before thinking about the benefits or repercussions, because if we do something and is right then nothing bad will happen to you. Such as you as an student you may not fear your grades in your report card, you were given what you deserve or shown during the time. If you did it well and listened to the teacher, do your work, and behave properly there is nothing actually to fear to what the report card will say. Instead if you think that you did "well" and you mere behave, barely do the assignments; then there you have the right to fear. And you know why?, because you were a CTW the whole time thinking it wast "cool" in a certain way but actually not. Also it makes me think that the CTW may not fear their fruit because they actually  look for it. Remember do what is right and never fear of your own fruit, you get what you give.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Student Success Statement

1. Can people trust me to do what's right?

2. Am I committed to doing my very best

3. Do I treat people the way I want to be treated

"If the answers to these questions are YES, there is no way you can fail."-Lou Holtz

Have you ever wonder what are the requirements to be a CTR person? well the 3 questions above are the key to it. I know, none is a perfect human being but at least we can try asking ourselves these three questions. It all depends in what we choose, if you follow these questions let me tell you that you are close to be a CTR person. But why exactly this 3 questions? I infer that because are the most common goals one person can do. Like the way you are trustful, all of them are the key to success; because if we are not that trustful you will not get that far,and sure you will not get along with people. Second, another key to success is giving your best always,because when you give it you show what you are capable of. That's why you see beautiful houses, big buildings and people really strong because they gave their best like the city of L.A. If we didn't force ourselves to give our best sure we would not get so far. Why giving your best? because all people are key to evolution or success when they give their best. Finally but not last is to treat people how you would like to be treated. Because without brotherhood there would not be success, we need each other and work on teams; treating each other with respect and honor. As said before if you are capable to answer yes to this questions, therefore you will not fail.

Student Success Statement

"Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. The relationship between the soundness of the body and the activities of the mind is subtle and complex. Much is not yet understood. But we do know what the Greeks knew: that intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong"-John F. Kennedy(president)

Physical fitness is no the only thing we need in this world. Many people may say that is essential but basically not!. There are also many things that a human being need instead of a good looking body, I know a good looking body is desirable but actually being mentally strong and creativity is also what we need. without creativity sure we would not get so far. One shall always find a different way of doing the things, that's what they mean with being creative. don't always think the same as others; because once you do something different you may find a key to the next step, that's why we have houses. The key to the evolution is the creativity because once you are creative you may go far and advance. Creativity is part of intelligence, many people confuse intelligence with being someone strictly smart and follow just one pattern. Creativity is also a signal of being strong, because when you think it you dare yourself to do it without looking back, just following yourself. 

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Student Success Statement

"kindness is the essence of greatness" 

By Joseph B. Wirthlin 

I had said before that there is no better feeling than choosing the right. And is true. There are many other ways to show how you are a CTR person, one of the ways is being kind. Why to be kind?, well if you are kind with other people they'll be kind with you; that's why. You give what everyone deserves, is being merciful sometimes only when it's necessary. One example to show kindness is when someone had lost something, it can be anything such as: a wallet, keys, notebooks, and even pencils (Obviously as an student). Kindness has it's on way to show you thanks as giving you a great name; like when you walk by and everybody think you are a great person and that always seek for justice. Everyone will know your name, everyone will think you are a great person. A simple act of kindness can change lots of things. Not only everyone will thank you, you will also thank yourself by being CTR, also another example of kindness is help each other on a need, it can be a school project or mental problems sometimes. Greatness is the best feeling you'll have.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Thanksgiving day!

Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving, one of America's most famous celebration or holiday. I cannot deny that thanksgiving is one of my favorites celebration, although they don't celebrate it in my country.

Anyways. Thanksgiving was not a holiday after all until now, or just a couple of years ago. They origins here in America is when in September in 1620 a ship left England, the name of that ship was mayflower carrying around 102 passengers with it. Those were the famous and now called Pilgrims, who they were looking for spiritual peace and freedom in the new world that has been discovered. It wasn't till 66 days in the ocean till they could finally arrive to america. They settled the first town in in Virginia, the town was called Jamestown. Many passengers die by diseases, the cold weather, the limit of resources as food and the hard work; because of the winter just half of the passengers survive. Until one day an Native American brought other with him and help the pilgrims with their needs as teaching them how to plant corn, fish and hunt. After one year of successfully surviving thanks to the Natives, the pilgrims made the first thanksgiving day which originally took as long as 3 whole days of hunting and doing some other activities.

All what it means thanksgiving is kind of amazing. Because you show gratitude and that you are proud of what you, who you are and what you have. my 12 list of things that I'm thankful of is:

  1. Being my self
  2. For food
  3. For my intelligence
  4. For where I live
  5. My mother
  6. My friends
  7. To have learned a second language
  8. For my wonderful uncles 
  9. For my clothes
  10. For the money
  11. For my beautiful country that now is a total hell
  12. For people who care about me 

Student Success Statement

"Hold yourself responsible for a higher standay than anybody else expects of you. Never excusse yourself" by Henry Ward Beecher.

Never underate yourself. Something people had teached me is that you actually can give your best but you have only one chance. Everybody is capable to do anything, you never had to say something as "I can't" and so simple. Everybody have to atleast try not to be so empty and with a really close mind as many people I know. Yes is true! Nobody is perfect because we are all humans, but that does not means that you will fail because of the "Yes, or I don't want to". I back then in history people give up as many people from here, sure we would stayed the same as the middle ages in which giving a jump and an advance was forbbiden. Yes, we cannot do anything at onces but we can at least try many times till we get it perfect, as the Person who create the light bulb. When he invented the light bulb he didn't got it at once, he made mistakes and errors that can be fixed. He was giving his best when creating the light bulb. Everybody has the possibility of doing something that nobody expects and yes, you just have to push yourself hard and try the best you can.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

student success statement

"If it is not right do not do it; if it is not true do not say it"
by Marcus Aurelius 

The truth will always be true and the right will always be right. That's how the things shall must be, always think about doing what is right without any doubt or looking back. When you see someone on the streets smoking what is the first thing it comes to your mind? that person will die? is he going to affect people that didn't have something related with it? the answer to all those question is "Yes" smoking is something that people must not do. that person is hurting itself and probably he will die for it; must of additions are bad, smoke is not a good thing at all you kill yourself and involves your love ones too. Also another example of that you don't have to lie is when you hate someone. I  know you want to do anything to make that person disappear form your sign but spreading false rumors is something bad to do too; not only you are ruining that people image, also if they don't believe you, you too are ruining your image. or when you see someone cheating in a test and you don't know what to do too, just don't follow or do what that person is doing, being honest is one of the best things to do in that case; yes you don't know anything but cheating is nothing you can quit and also you are lying at the same time telling or showing that you know about something that you actually don't know anything about. Is not right, cheating is not the way.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Student Succes Statement

"Doing what is right, fair and honorable is more important than winning or losing"-Chick Moorman.

I know, nobody likes to lose. Everybody likes to feel like a winner and always be like that; I understand, even I wan to lose everytime and don't event care about the way I do (sometimes). Because everybody knows that winning means gold and not silver or bonze. But actually there is something that is even better than winning or losing, is choosign the right no matter what happen. Choosing the right is also something to be proude and to not lose your pride. Because when you lose your pride is when you cheat or not do fair in something and don't even feel any regret at all; one example can be cheating in a test or quiz in your school as an student. Cheating is one of the worst things you can do as a human, becuase you not only lose your pride; you also show how coward and dumb you are, you show that you ain't smart you show that you are someone who likes to do unfair things and at the same time you lie too. People like that disgustme. One must shall defend its honor because is the only thing that matters, not event you happiness or you fun time. You decide to cheat or not in something. But always keep in mind that doing the right in someting as a test, and not to cheat you are defending your most precious thing, your honor.



Duties and responsibilities: An Oncologist is physician in charge of treating people with cancer. Every time a person is diagnosed with cancer (any type of cancer) will be immediately assisted by an oncologist. They discuss the type of cancer and it’s treatment, such as using chemotherapy, radiation therapy to kill the cancerous cells and also biopsy; to study the kind of cancer by removing an small tissue infected with cancer.

Salary: $222,809-$351,598

Education: To become an Oncologist is required to graduate first in an accredited school of medicine.

Reflection: Would you like to be one? Why? Why not? – Not really because cancers sort of scare me and I think is a disease hard to treat.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Student Success Statement

  1. Have the courage to say no.
  2. Have the courage to face the truth
  3. Do the right thing because it is right 
These are the 3 magic key to living your life with integrity

-W. Vlement Stone

I learned something throught the years. No one is inocent or perfect, but we can try at least to do the rigth thing. such as the 3 keys above, we have to be brave; we must not be  perfect but at least we can try. The power of taking decision is the only thing that counts now, depending on what you do. Number 1 "Have the courage to say no". This is what many people fail but that's ok because nobody is perfect, remember you cannot handle everything, you cannot take care of everything. You are not that kin of superman; and also you can decide what is bad and good for you such as saying no to drugs. No to alchohol. No to crimes. No to bandalism. No to the wrong one that come to you. saying no is sometimes the help to your problems and decisions. Number 2 "Have the courage to face the thrut". I know it can be hard but the thrut is in front of everybody. Be brave to face it, not everything is a bed of roses. Like when you think smoking will relax you and make you forget every problem you have, when actually the thrut is that smoking is causing you more problems than what you think. When you smoke you are killing yourself inside without even thinking about it. Number 3 "Do the right thing becuase it is right". Does not matter how many time you try to contradict the right, you will never succed; because the right is right and that's how it will be. Most of the things have an end but not the right, when you are not doing the right you will never success even if it looks like that, there will be ever someone doing the right thing and will sink you. such as cheating in an important test which you don't know nothing will ruin you and your future; involucrated people to. So have always honor. Poeple without honor disgust me! they must deserve to die or not exist!. 




Duties and responsibilities: A Judge plays many rolls, they are in charge in giving the right to talk and say and maintain control of 50/50 in the courtrooms. Also is in charge of taking decisions about the case and protect his verdict basing in the evidence, declaring if the accused one is guilty or not. They most use solid and valid arguments for the why. A judge cannot be only in criminal cases also in other cases as divorce that also plays the same rolls.
Salary: 102,980$ per year.
Education: They must start their career as lawyers with a J.D degree. Also pass the bar exam which usually requires being license. Also work as attorneys to learn about the judgeship. To become judges, lawyers must be appointed or elected. Lawyers may apply for judgeships by submitting their names for consideration to a judicial nominating commission, or senators or other politicians may recommend them. After being elected or appointed, judges may be required to complete state-administered introductory training or attend training programs led by legal organizations, such as the ABA, National Judicial College or National Center for State Courts.

Reflection would you like to be one? Why? Why not?I would like to be one, because I would like to learn how someone can be guilty or not. And always face the truth.

Veteran's Day

                  Veteran’s Day!

What is veteran’s day?Veteran’s day is the celebration of the living and dead who served or serving in the army. All started at the first anniversary of ww1; back then it was called the “Armistice day” in November 11 of 1919. The congress accepted the veteran’s day in 1926, but it wasn’t till November 11 in 1938 when it became a holy day.
What is the purpose?It’s more than obvious, is when give honors to all Americans heroes, all alive or dead not matter, even the missing or lost heroes. It must not be confused with Memorial Day. Even the soldiers in peace times are honored in this day; the new recruits also too.
Why is important to show honors in veteran’s day?
To all those heroes, alive or death we must be proud of them; because for them we are here and we are who we are. They fight and give their best for us just to be in peace and stay without anything to worry with our families in here.  For them who are the bravest man on earth’s surface who decide to carry on with this task. For them who we can go peacefully around the city without the worry of being attacked or bomb or shot, while going for something at the store of a football game; thanks to them who we now live a peaceful time.  All thanks to America’s Navy.When is it?It is in November 11
What are a few ways to show honor and respect on Veteran’s day?1.      You can show up at the Veterans Day event and appreciate what they do there.
2.      Ask a Veteran how it was his service in the Navy showing all respect to him.
3.      Invite a veteran to have a great time with you, it can be a military family member, also a friend.

I don’t really know that much about Veterans Day but anyways I will tell how I feel about this day. They are all that this country deserves, they are the brave in human form. When we need them the most they are there, ever to show up and help us. With their help we destroy a powerful monster back then in the past; the Nazis. Thanks for them we are here with all the freedom of the world, I will not lie; without them I would no longer exist and even perhaps you too. When some other try’s to destroy us or sink us they are they to help such as Pearl harbor. And they represent us who we are and show how strong we are; I would like to say a great thanks to them. Thanks for everything. 

Monday, November 9, 2015

Student Success Statement

"He that walketh with wise men shall be wise:but a companion of fools shall be destroyed" Proverbs 13:20

Everything is about consequences and decision, once an old wise man told me. I'd learned that choosing the right thing is obviouly going to be perfect way to live. its like one that I know in spanish that I heard once, think that it depends on the person too, to decide the thing to do; I mean that person can go with them but not doing the things they do, like a covered cop in a mafia or a criminal gang or something. so I think it actually depends on the person and what it does and not with who it is going. But I'm not going to lie about it; Yes there's also people who is influenced in this. like the person who was dumb but know it is smart and successful, or the guy who once used to be smart but now it is a total foolish. To be clear I'm not with this statement, it only depends on what they do. I remenber they ever talk bad about me by being with foolish people back then but it didn't affected me at all because I didn't did what they do.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Student Succes Statement

"The best recreation is to do good"-William Penn

There's no better filling than feel good right?. Relaxing and having a great time it can be just you or, it can be with someone else like your family or friends.The main point is to have a great time, without getting stressed or mad, angry,etc. Doing a recreation activity is a great thing to do to take out your stress, wounds, and preaocupation out of you. I know its a beautiful feeling; but there's something better than that, and it is doing good. Such as serving others, help others or simply do good on almost everything. Not even the most entertaining thing of the world would give you the same feeling as doing good does. When you do good is a better satisfaction. Like today or 11/05/2015 I help my little sister with her homework but it didn't really matter to me if she thank me or not. What matter to me is that I was helping her to understant better and show her how to do those things. Do the good not just for you, also do it for the world to be a better place with brotherhood and being united. I know I sound kinda hippie but its true what I'm saying. there's no better thing that being or help someone and the pleassure of being doing good. The mind will thank you for that believe it or not.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Student Succes Statement

"Right is right, even if everyone is agaisnt it; and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it"-William Penn.

Have you never had that feeling when everything is really obvious but people still don't notice the difference? well thats how pretty much I feel mostly of the time. Something I'd learned through the years is that people always; no matter what will do the wrong, basically I don't really care if people chose the right or not, unless I'm something realted with that or anyone I know and I care about it. But this time I'll give people an advise. I don't know why people chose the wrong, and sometimes I wonder if they really hate themselves to always choose them; the causes are unknown but the wrong is always going to be the wrong, no matter what. Or sometimes they belive the wrong is right and they go for it as "Lying". Lying is the most popular and common thing a person would do in Earth's surface, but the question is WHY???. Why is necessary to lie, why do people do commonly? Nobody knows. And also there's the counter part of lying; telling the thrut which for some reason everyone is agaisnt it. Believe me, is better when you tell an ugly and sour thrut that and comfortable lie. 

Friday, October 30, 2015

Student Succes Statement

"You cannot just beat the person who never gives up"-Babe Ruth. 

Have you ever wonder why you always lose, or why do you see people losing? Mostly the question is, why you lose?. Babe ruth indicates that only the person who loses is also the one that give up. You got to work harder in what ever you try the secret to succes is also NEVER GIVING UP and leave yourself down. One example of this are the football players or Babe Ruth himself who did lots of home runs in one game that till today none can beat him. Also another example can be you, if you always try to work hard and do the best you can; even if you have difficulties you have to overpass them. When you are an student like me and many people you already have a task, is to always get good grades and do the assigned job, even if you commit mistakes the next time you have to work harder and even better to beat at least yourself. You don't have to beat nobody, you have to be someone that cannot be beat by anyone; being a CTR person and everytime work hard and never give up.

Cartoonist Animator

Cartoonist Animator

Job description: Cartoon animators are in charge of creating cartoons and their own stories combining many artistic skills and talents in many areas, such as creating cartoon dramas, comedies, and computer animation. Cartoonist usually work together to create the storyboards, what are pretty much the body and the pre-idea of a cartoon episode.

Salary: $18,450-$91,200

Education: Most Cartoonist Animators need a Bachelor’s degree or other training or experience in animation or new media production. 

Reflection: Would you like to be one? Why? Why not? –Of course I’ll will like to be one, is what I’d decided to study because I love to draw and well I want to left my mark.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Student Succes Statement

"Don't sacrifice what you want most for what you want now. Write down what you want most and see it often"-Peter Vidmar.

Sincerly I dunno how to explain this but here we go.

Something I'd learn through all my years of life is that we wish what we actually don't want. What I mean is. Do you really want what you want instead of something else? But you don't what you actually want, have you never heard about the "Heart's deepest desires" you'll find out later or soon that what you wish to have now is not gonna be the thing you want later. Your wishes right now most be about to satisfy your spoild inside child that wants everything. Let me tell you about my deepest desire. It's about to have a great life with treasures and riches, I'm tired of being poor (in one sense or another can be interpretated). The good things come to the ones who wait or also act for it; you choose any way you want. but always keep on mind that you are the key to your desire or for what you most want.

Health Educator

Health Educator

Duties and Responsibilities: Health Educators are people who are specialized in teaching people about wellness, or the domain of the 6 elements of life. They always show new ideas to develop and improve; also promote wellness in people in individual communities.

Salary: $41,830 per year.

Education: To become a Health Educator you need a bachelor’s degree. Many of them also may need a Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) Credential.

Reflection: Would you like to be one? Why? Why not?-Sure I would like to take it as a second career but I don’t really know how to express my ideas.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Student succes statement

"A good name os rather to be chosen than great riches"-Proverbs 22:1

Let me ask you something. How you see yourself in many years from now and on? with a great family? rich? Famous? well  if you see yourselg from now and on accomplishing one of this goals let me tell you: CONGRATULATIONS!. I like people who think in big and never stops, such as me. But sometimes get all those things in life can be not enough. I'm not gonna lie, I actually love money and I wish to be rich and famous one day. But if you wish to be famous, in what you wanna be famous. You know, there's many ways of being famous. Being famous does not mean that everyone is gonna love you or something. There's different types of fame. would you wish to be rich but with the consequence of bien a rich criminal as "EL CHAPO GUZMAN"?, just for the money without any consequence?. Sometimes is more important have a clear name than a life with full of money and hot women if you don't actually deserve it.

Healthcare Administrator

Healthcare Administrator

Duties and responsibilities: Healthcare Administrators are people who manage the direction and the delivery of healthcare to people as the name says. They manage the whole Health system and to send the specialist and everything, and organize the departments such as doctors, nurses, etc.

Salary: A Healthcare Administrator earns a total of $64,821 per year.

Education: to be a Healthcare Administrator you need to have a master’s degree in public health and/or business. They also need skills in communication and leadership abilities.

Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not? It sounds pretty interesting. Also I ever like to be a leader or a boss of something.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Student Succes Statement

"A good name is better than anything you can achieve in this life"-Coach K (Mike Krzyzewski)

Like how much would you give for a clean name?. A name that does not affect you on anything, a name that instead of give a bad fame would give you a good one?. Thats what Coach K says. I remember since I was a on middle school I wanted to be notice by anyone (And I still try to do) but the ways I tryed were not the good ones. Everybody in middle school though I was a creep, a freak, too. But let me tell you something. somethimes we get a bad name because we want to, or have you never heard of baseball players who use drugs or, American Football Coaches who do the sames, even the own players cheat. And when they get discovered they'd just gain a horrible name or reputation. Believe me, having a horrible name or reputation is something you cannot quit; now that reputation is something that is part of you till the day you die. When you have a bad name or reputation absolutely win the hate of everybody instanteniously, there will be none to trust you or even talk positive about you!. Everytime you have to choose what is good and what is wrong.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015



"If your so-called friends urge you to do anything you know to be wrong, you be the one to make a stand for right, even if you stand alone. Have the moral courage to be light for others to follow"-Thomas S. Monson

Let me tell you something. Have you never feel that you and your friends are doing something that is wrong? Well that happens to me all the time. I'm not gonna lie, but in those cases I try to help them. What I mean is that if only because someone does, you don't have to actually do it. I mean, if they force you to do it and you know its wrong, so don't do it. Belive me. Friend is not the one that get you in trouble or the one that wants you to do something bad as using drugs or something. A real friend is the one that you know is always gonna be there when you don't  need it or not. This case does not only applyes to friends, also it does for family and any other case. What does matters is not what they do, what actually matters is what you do. Because you are you. Something I learn is that I don't have to be the one who follows, I have the chance to be the one bieng followed. does not matters if you feel the only one doing the right, at least you choose the right and shows that bieng different is also something good. Like and square in a world of circles.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Student Succes Statement

"A CTR champion is a person who makes a great human out of himself."-Noemi Trigueros

What so good isn't it? a Quote that was made by a student this time. I'll decide it to explain it. Tell me how does it feels to be a winner? good isn't it? well so sometimes it is not like that. You can be on top of the world if you wish to. But you decide how to build the way there. Have you never seen any "Champion" on Television or radio, news paper, etc. Well believe it not. Many "Champions" used drugs and many weird and bad stuff, or have cheat to win the title of "Champions". One great example is the ex-player of USC; Reggie Bush. He didn't obey. Basically he choose the wrong way. People like them disgust me. Yes, I can count my self too because when I was in Elementary I used to copy, which I don't do anymore. It's a total dishonor, pleople like them would be great and "winers" or "champions" but, do they really deserve it?. If you ask me that's no how a good person is.

What a shame he is. Didn't this guy have any honor?

ENT Specialist

Ear, Nose and Throat(ENT) Specialist

Duties and responsibilities: An ear, nose and throat specialist (ENT) is a physician trained in the medical and surgical treatment of the ears, nose throat, and related structures of the head and neck. They have special expertise in managing diseases of the ears, nose and nasal passage sinuses, larynx (voice box), oral cavity and upper pharynx (mouth and throat), as well as structures of the neck and face. ENT is the oldest medical specialty in the United States.

Salary: $302,500

Education: An ENT specialist is ready to start practicing after up to 15 years of college and postgraduate training. To qualify for certification from the American Board of Otolaryngology, an applicant must first complete college, medical school (usually four years), and at least five years of specialty training. Next, the physician must pass the American Board of Otolaryngology examination to be certified.

Reflection: Would you like to be one? Why? Why not? –Not really It sure will take me a long time to learn it and, I feel it’s not my stuff.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

SSS Choice

"Succes is not an accident. Succes is actually a choive. Are habits you have today on par with the dreams you have of tomorrow?"-Alan Stein.

To be clear with you. This quote talks by itself, but its my job to explain it anyways. I believe the same thing it says. Its up to you if you want to succes or not; let me tell you that basicaly you are not forced to do anything on life like: Having a job or going to school. I learned before that one does not work or study because they want, its because they still can and have chances. I know many guys who don't want to succes (Mostly because I'm stuck in Highschool). Like when you are an student, that's an example of someone who depends by itself to succes or not. A normal student who wants to succes do the best he can to get straight A's or A&B. And there's the other guy (Who is mostly considered as a jerk or fool) who behaves to worst way and gets poor grades. Right now for me as an student I choose to succes, right now succes for me most be having good grades. But what is my real ideal of succes is to have a job that I enjoy. Not like bieng like the average. You know what I mean. Being stuck on a office and making reports and everything which I'll hate a lot. My succes or job that I wanna work is to be an Cartoonist and bieng rich and famous. Not an unknown guy who pass the whole day in a boring office with a tie and dress pants and shirt. I would like to be someone free. That's my dream of success,which is the choice that I'm taking. As known that succes is a choice; fail is also a choice

Monday, October 12, 2015


"When obedience becomes our goal, it is no longer an irritation; instead of a stumbling block, it becomes a building block"- James E. Faust

This reminds me to what everybody says when someone is useless in many occasions; they always says "It helps a lot the one who don't bother" And obedience is not an exception. like when your parents ask you about to bring them something. When you don't do what they tell you, you are not hurting them; you are hurting yourself because in a way or another you are calling YOURSELF useless. And let me ask you, in what a disobedient person can work or use for? Exactly! NOTHING!. Also to let you know obedience can give you experience and new skills to improve, too. Trust me when you are obedient the life is more simple and easy and the most useful you are, more important you are. And let me tell you being obedience is something cool, because it gives you that feeling of confidence,and when people trust on you is really satisfying. But as what ever it depends on you. one has to choose wisely what you want to be. 

Thursday, October 8, 2015

If it does not exist, then just create it!

"If it does not exist, then just create it!"-By Me

Once I'd learned that in this world pleasure is not for everyone. Have you ever being satisfied? What is this all about you may wonder. Let me tell you that since I were little never had satisfy me. So that's why I'm on the total seeking of what I want, so then this quote came out of me "If it does not exist, the just create it!" That's why people create planes and flying machines because of that!. Also people wanted to move faster to a place or another so they create cars and metros. an example of this is me, because themes about what now cartoons touch are less interesting for me. Why do everything has to be a society critic?, or why they ever have to be rude on everything?. Why cartoons don't have a different idea of what being about?. Believe it or not today people like to watch stupid and nonsense cartoons such as family guy, or to say a bad word every 5 seconds without necessity. so I decide to start planning and creating my own series, or also at least something that can satisfy me and other people to who are bored of seen the same crap over and over again. And I don't want to only entertain my self, also to make a change if I could. Another example is Antonio meucci. Who wanted to talk and communicate with his sick wife without going to a place or another, so that's why he create the telephone.

They wanted to fly, so they created the first plane.


Tuesday, October 6, 2015 the primary object of all sound education.

" the primary object of all sound education."-Elizabeth Missing Sewell

Education ever is gonna be holding hands with the obedience. Because one thing of being educated is also being obedient. Because you have to do do what you have to do. one example is being an spoiled child and that's the cause one cause of disobedience. And what happens when you are disobedient? You are not educated!. For more than you wish, if you are not obedient you are not educated.



Duties and Responsibilities: A Dermatologist is a doctor who takes care about skin and everything related to the physical body. Such as nails and hair.

Salary: $283,000

Education: Bachelor’s degree.

Reflection: Would you like to be one? Why? Why not?
I think skin is not the type of thing I’m looking for. So actually not.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Obedience is central to becoming, being, and remaining happy

"Obedience is central to becoming, being, and remaining happy"- David Bednar. 

Everyone knows that when is about to keep calm and have a clear mind. There's nothing else such as being obedient. I guess that the more obedient we are, the more ease it is. One example of this is math. But why math? well because you have to follow many steps to do a math problem to get the answer. And not only that; answering correct something makes you glad, which is one part of the being happy. Happiness is something that we appreciate the most. Another example of this is doing you homework; because when you are obedient and do your homework, you'll be happy and being free. 


Wednesday, September 30, 2015

What you are as a person is far more important than what you are as a basketball player

"What you are as a person is far more important than what you are as a basketball player"-John Wooden.

Have you never thought about who you are? Well let me tell you that many of us have an alter ego. What is an alter ego? An alter ego is someone you suppose to interpreter. Such as a soccer player, basketball player, an actor or even a person. Many people think that they know who they are but really not. They just know their alter ego. They really force themselves to believe it, or maybe hide who they are by being afraid. Is like having two faces. I remember once that my mom told me: "Jeremy don't be afraid to be yourself, because you know something? Who you are makes you special. You don't have to be another person to be good at other people's eyes." being who you are is more convenient than your alter ego. 

Dental Assistant

Dental Assistant

Duties and Responsibilities: A Dental Assistant job is almost the same as a nurse to a Doctor. Such as passing the instruments that the dentist needs as its request. Seating the patience in the treatment area. Also exposing and developing the x-rays. Sterilizing and prepare the instruments. Ordering supplies.  And providing assistant on the office.

Salary: 34,500$

Education: High School diploma.

Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not?
Not really I’m interested on something else.

Monday, September 28, 2015

"True wealth is of the hearth is, not of the purse"

"True wealth is of the heart, not of the purse" -Pathros

This quote is actually one of those that in one way or another touches your heart. so well what I mean is that, it makes you think a little about what you do. And who you are, as an example. when you call yourself a person who helps the other ones who are less lucky or something, but actually you would not give a crap and just do it for your reputation. And feel how the others look at you and makes you confidence but at the same time you don't want to. Once my mother told me, do it because it comes from your heart and the feeling of doing the right, not because you want a clear reputation of what you are not!. It's so simple as treat each other well and they will treat you the same well. Doing it for reputation is not the way, it feels like an empty happiness.


Duties and Responsibilities: A dentist is someone who specialize on mostly oral health and teeth .A dentist job consist on diagnosing oral diseases, promoting oral health and disease prevention, interpreting x-rays and diagnostic tests and create treatment plans to maintain or restore oral health.

Salary:$149,310 US Dollar

Education:Their education mostly consist on getting bachelor’s degree prior to admission to dental school; doctoral degree in dental medicine or dental surgery.

Reflection: Would you like to be one? Why? Why not?
For me this sort of things result terrifying and it really hurts so better not to be one, I’m a little afraid. 

Thursday, September 24, 2015

"Obedience sums up our entire duty"

"Obedience sums up our entire duty"-Hosea Ballou

When is about responsibilities, there's no better word than "Duty". What is Duty?, well duty is sort of like a responsibility that you because of yes you have to do anyways. Something I'd learned through the years is that when you do more your duties or responsibilities you become more trustful. What I mean is while you do more what you suppose to do, you become somebody that will never fail. Not even on purpose. An example is feeding yourself, you're never forget to eat or have a meal right?. Or having a pet, you have to take care of it, feed it, take sure that ever is gonna be clean and not being spoiled. In my case is taking it personal about, if you are trustful more are the challenges and duties, and while the duties are big I think more is the reward for it. Or also another example to interpret is when you are on the "Navy"  to be a good soldier or marine you gotta follow directions because is your duty and you have to do it.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Abe's Lincoln Quote

"When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad"-Abe Lincoln

Let's talk about one of Abe's words. You may say what this quote says is wrong not?. Well so let me tell you that you are right! Sometimes do bad can make you happy but is just momentary. I don't mind that suddenly you'll feel bad. I mean you'll be like: Whoa! Lol they believe my lie so I don't have to be in trouble or being punished. Obviously this is an example to tell a lie when you get a bad grade at school, or you most probably even hide the report card. But let me tell you something, that happiness or security is momentary because believe it or not, soon or later they will know that you are lying. And when they discover, plus you lie to them how will you feel. How will you react? Not so good of how you felt before huh? that's an example of what you feel when you do bad. Another example of how you feel when you do bad is Guilty. Let's take the placement that you are in trip with some friend and you have the idea to start a fire, just by joking around. Guess what the results are not the one you thought. You'll notice that start a forestall fire.
Duties and responsibilities:
Chiropractors are health care providers who are trained to resolve problems in the musculus skeletal and nervous systems, such as headaches or pain in the back, neck or joints. They recommend rehabilitative exercises and provide dietary and lifestyle counseling, but are best known for their practice of "spinal manipulation," in which they apply force into joints that have suffered tissue injury to restore mobility.
Salary: 66,160$

Education: Chiropractic education requires at least 4 years of professional study and includes a 4-year undergraduate/college prerequisite in most states.

Reflection: would you like to be one? Why? Why not?
Not really I heard of many of them and even one help me with my back pain, but not really I’m interested on something else.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Student Success

Education is the latch key to the success in life


How would be you without education. Education is what keep us as the most smart species on the earth. on every single human being education is optional, you decide to keep on school. Have you ever imagine your self with lots of money and a big house, a dream car, and around of pretty girls? That's how is success which what you get when you have education. when you follow school rules or continue your education. I mean to success you most have education. Take this as an example: You are a general, and your country has declare a war against some other country. So you know that to win this war you'll need strategy and education or what you learned, not only to defend your country from invasions of the enemy army, also to attack. Using what you learned and sure you'll have this battle dominated. That's why we the allies won the ww2.


Things I like to Do

Things I like to do:

As I am a normal person and I would like to introduce my self, well Here are many things I like to do, or such I considerate as my hobbies.

1) It seems that this is most of the common (which hobby is not common today?)
so I like watch tv, just to see whats going on at everything. but personally not that much.

2) This one most be just like the last one but yeah it is, watch anime is one of those it makes me entertain just for a while.

3) Literature is one of my favorites philosophies and well that is, I love to read books and well why not? Also I use my reading to improve my English.

4) Hanging out with my friends is another one, I most not do this all the time, but well going outside with my friends makes me relax a little of all homework pressure.

5)Critic series also is one, because I really like to judge and see whats quality and whats not.

6) I mostly like one of those curious persons who like to read or know about history. I just don't limit my self to learn the U.S history and my country's history, I prefer to also search by my self about history, and I mean world history such as the Roman Empire, Germanic tribes, and Ireland history and so on,

7)I like to write mostly of the time, just like creating tales and all of that.

8) As I told before that I'm curios, I like to have adventures and sometimes get in trouble