Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Student Success Statement


Having character is knowing what you are doing. Having character is the possibility of choosing what is wrong and what is right. When you have character you are a honest person, a hero sometimes, or also somebody important in your community. Having character is helpful mostly of the time because people will recognize you and like you by how you are to them. There’s no other way to have the right than to be right.

School Stuff

School Break Days!

Life is beautiful. But my vacations during this Spring break were not actually that good. Amet vitae. The only thing I’d done during all this break days was just staying at home and do nothing else than watch NETFLIX. I hoped for this vacation to be better than every adventure I use to have every Saturday. At least I led myself be entertain by homework during the break. They might not be the best vacations but I could sleep better than I use to do during the whole week when I have school. I think that what  I’d expected were bigger than reality because I did nothing else than staying at home or going to my mom’s friend’s house. There were many things I wanted to do but those were only wasted times.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Entertaining Comic/Cartoon


There are no better things for me in the world than cartoon and comics. I know by far that cartoons is the 9th art on the world, behind the movies and theater. Cartoons are the one the favorite way of entertain the public due to its complex and interesting stories or their comical and silliness of itself. It doesn't have to be a genius to figure out that I'm a great fan of cartoons, not depending if its for teens, young teenagers, or even adult (I don't like the ones with sexual jokes or social critics such as family guy). I know that cartoons had been entertaining the media by around 90 years since 1920. On the 1920s-1940s cartoons used to look like this:

Another topic that I'd like are comics. Comic books may not be the great the huge thing or hot topic today, but, They were the kind of the entertainment by a long time during 1940-1999 which it brought us many of the most famous and amazing super heroes like Spider-man, Superman, Captain america, or even the unknown Sub-Mariner Namora. The comics are know inspiring movies such as books. Comics are the future of the movies. Comics are like any other media of entertainment, they can be humorist and silly like Not brand ecch, or they can be teenage themes such as Archie (Even though I don't like it). They do not only have to be about super heroes, but they'll always be the main topic and the reason why they were created. 


Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Student Success Statement

"Ask yourself is it right or wrong and act accordingly"-Otto Graham, Jr.

Before you do something ask yourself as the quote may mean. You better make wise decisions before taking them. One example about making wise decisions asking yourself is it right or wrong can be when they ask you if you want to try smoking. Does it makes to you any good? Does it makes to you any bad?. Think wise and pick the one you think is better. Think about the consequences of it and what goods it'll give you. This is something of everyday life. Something that we know is that every decision, even a small one can affect your entire life if you don't think wise or twice, and ask yourself the things that'll bring. Life is like the online quiz "Would you rather do?". Some other think that you may ask yourself if its right or wrong is when some friend invite you to go to a party, or would you stay at home studying for a test that you'll have tomorrow. It all depends on you. I cannot manipulate you to do or feel something, such as making decisions. You create and build your future, you show what you want to show, you do what you want to do. Will you think twice before making a decision? 

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Student Success Statement

"Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for tis better to be alone than in bad company"-George Washington. 

What it says this quote can be represented in other quotes too. Such as "Tell who you are with, and I'll tell you who you are". What Washington says is true. Many people change their way just because of the people that they hang out with. Let me tell you that I'd suffer this. I remember I join with the wrong persons on middle school. Thous persons were the So-called popular. They were doing no more than talking none sense, not doing their assign work and not respecting the teacher in mostly of the classes. I used to be like them, but I change because I reflect about who I wanted to be on the future. I thought forward and where I would see myself on 20 years later. Well, sometimes it doesn't depend on who you hang out with. It depends on you and what you do with them. Your friends can be doing drugs but not you. But something that is for sure is that you can be influenced and sometimes force to do what they do. I might be alone mostly of the time, but I'm doing right. I know that being an anty-social doesn't have anything to do with doing the right. But sometimes you have to look at your friend and wonder, Do this people actually care for me?, Do they will be there anytime for me?, Are they my friends after all?. 

Online Research

Nursing Home Administrator

Duties and Responsibilities: Nursing Home Administrator is a health area specialized in managing the health in certain facilities. Some duties of a Nursing Home Administrator is to take an oversee on the people such as the staff and personal, they also take care of the finances and the health in the facility. Nursing Home Administrator don’t necessary has to be an administrator of a house.

Salary: $65,000-$90,000 per year.

Education: For Nursing Home administrator is needed a 4 years bachelor’s degree. In advanced positions in Nursing Home Administrator is needed a Master’s degree. Sometimes the requirements may vary in the state or city. The 4 years bachelor’s degree has to be on the area of health and public administration. 

Reflection: It sounds interesting, but actually it is kind of boring. I would like a job that doesn’t have to be so serious. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Student Success Statement

"Right is right only when entire"-Victor Hugo

Something that you must defend are your reasons and beliefs. They must be accurate, they must be true, they must be clever and being able to defend not only with statements; also with evidence. Playing about the right and the wrong is like saying what is true and what is false. Something that everybody knows is that the right will always be right. But, what if the right is not actually right or so accurate as we think it is?. History teach us that sometimes a lie told a million times can become "Truth" as that carrots can make your view better. Many people lie about the wrong saying that is right, they live their lives making fool of people. We will never know why CTW persons exist but they are somehow the reason why CTR persons exist. Lying about the right is something that must be eliminated over Earth's surface. Tell me would you be agree that killing people is right? or stealing too?. The right is something that suppose to help, not to make people suffer. This whole world is consumed on lies.