Thursday, October 8, 2015

If it does not exist, then just create it!

"If it does not exist, then just create it!"-By Me

Once I'd learned that in this world pleasure is not for everyone. Have you ever being satisfied? What is this all about you may wonder. Let me tell you that since I were little never had satisfy me. So that's why I'm on the total seeking of what I want, so then this quote came out of me "If it does not exist, the just create it!" That's why people create planes and flying machines because of that!. Also people wanted to move faster to a place or another so they create cars and metros. an example of this is me, because themes about what now cartoons touch are less interesting for me. Why do everything has to be a society critic?, or why they ever have to be rude on everything?. Why cartoons don't have a different idea of what being about?. Believe it or not today people like to watch stupid and nonsense cartoons such as family guy, or to say a bad word every 5 seconds without necessity. so I decide to start planning and creating my own series, or also at least something that can satisfy me and other people to who are bored of seen the same crap over and over again. And I don't want to only entertain my self, also to make a change if I could. Another example is Antonio meucci. Who wanted to talk and communicate with his sick wife without going to a place or another, so that's why he create the telephone.

They wanted to fly, so they created the first plane.