Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Class Evaluation

  1. What I liked about the class was the research of health related careers
  2. What I did not like about the class was the student success statements, some of the them sound really similar and meant the same thing as the one before. 
  3. Choose statements that are still positive but that don't mean the same thing, let it be more variation.
  4. It was the health careers that most of them were kind of interesting. 
  5. I don't think so because I could not finish most of the statements or I felt them uncompleted, and I was sometimes doing things that I should not. 
  6. Not daily but I do it one day and the other not, that's how I keep balance.
  7. Since it is for my own good yes I will be CTR man. I will work hard as possible to be one.
  8. I will teach or help them that work hard is pay for. that somebody most appreciate what others for them. 
  9. Something that I will remember are the reward of working hard 

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